Ashley Colour Fun Run 2022 is coming soon. Tickets available now on Eventbrite.
Linda Horne

Welcome to Ashley Rakahuri School

Nau mai, haere mai 

Welcome to our lovely kura.  I am proud to be the Principal of this beautiful school and have been part of this learning community for many years.  This is my fifth year as Principal here, before that I was deputy principal, and a classroom teacher.  I have taught from New Entrants to Year 6 and have found that no matter what age I teach it is the relationships with the students that make the most difference.  By getting to know the learners, and their families and building those connections we could always work together to find the best way to support their needs.

I see my role as Principal as no different – the relationships formed, the ability to listen, to take action and to always put the learner and their experiences at the centre of all decisions made, enables my team and myself to provide the very best we can for the tamariki.  

The Child – the heart of the Matter 

Ko te Tamaiti te Pūtake o te Kaupapa

Our strength is in our team and we have such a talented team of educators and support personnel who are dedicated to keeping up to date with new learning and providing learning opportunities that nurture each child, and that extend their thinking.

I would welcome the chance to meet with you and discuss how our school can support your child in their schooling years.  Please feel free to get in touch with me at any time.

Ngā mihi nui



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Or Call 03 313 8907

Our Vision

“Better Together – Mā te mahi ngātahi, ka tutuki””.

This vision embodies all we want to do and be here at Ashley Rakahuri School.

We want to focus on what we can do better and how we can do this with the interests and support of our whole community.

Our tamariki are the heart of why we are here and all that we do is done to better the outcomes academically, socially and emotionally for them.

Our logo representing Maukatere (Mount Grey) and the mountain ranges of Puketeraki, with the braided Ashley River. Includes a stylised “A” and “S” in the river.

Enviroschools Bronze Award

Ashley Rakahuri is an Enviroschool with Bronze status.

Enviroschools is an environmental action based programme where young people are empowered to design and lead sustainability projects in their schools, neighbourhoods and country.

This is an important part of what we believe here and we are always looking for new ways to create future focussed learners with a focus on sustainable outcomes.

Reach Values

Respect – Whakaute
Show Manaakitanga with integrity, sincerity, and respect towards yourself, others and the environment you are in.

Excellence – Kairangi
Strive to be better than the day before in order to achieve your personal best.

Ngākau Aroha – Empathy and compassion
There are many expressions of love, including caring, giving hospitality to visitors, helping and being considerate.

Courage – Māiatanga
Challenge yourself to come out of your comfort zone.  Move forward. Speak up. Take action.

Honesty – Ngākaupono
Being truthful to oneself.

Our Teams


In Mānuka, we really want to provide a smooth and successful transition  for your child into primary school.


We promote a positive, encouraging & inclusive atmosphere in an environment where every child is made to feel valued.


We all love learning for life and are keen to be ‘better than before’ every day, in everything that we do at school.


Troy (Year 8)
Troy (Year 8)
“During my time at Ashley Rakahuri Kura, I have had many opportunities. I now realize that this place is perfect—it’s fun, with plenty of clubs and more activities. I have enjoyed myself immensely, made friends easily, and adapted quickly. Also… the teachers are always nice and caring. “
Ammie (Year 8)
Ammie (Year 8)
“For the past 8 years here I feel like Ashley Rakahuri has a lot of opportunities. Such as lots of sports like, cross country for all ages, swimming, and winter sports. There is lots of fundraising like, the colour run, market day, sausage sizzles, mufti days and a lot of other things. I find it enjoyable and fun because we all get to come together as a whole school in whanau house and get to do a variety of sports and activities which makes us come together more often. “
Evangeline (Year 8)
Evangeline (Year 8)
“At Ashley Rakahuri School we have lots of different opportunities which means there's something for everyone. I like how the teachers have started different clubs for all ages such as chess, gardening wearable arts, and jump jam. “