Ashley Colour Fun Run 2022 is coming soon. Tickets available now on Eventbrite.

School Council

Back Row: J’adore, Evangeline, Evandar, Blake, Flynn, Carter

Front Row: Mila, Elise, Milan, Maddy


The school council is a group of students who are elected to represent the views of all pupils and to improve their school. Our school council does a number of things: The school council meets with our school council teacher, once a week, to discuss and bring ideas from their classmates to the meeting about how they want the school to be improved. These may include school lunches, ideas for fundraising events and working with the PTA to help with school events, e.g. School Disco.


Whānau House Leaders

Here are our Whānau House leaders for 2025.

Back row: Ella, Myla, Annabella, Lokki

Front Row: Riley, Ruby, Finn, Olympia

Each year, as a kura, whānau houses elect 2 leaders to represent them. This is a way of providing leadership and learning new skills. It provides a way for students to have a “voice” in their school.  Our aim is to build on our tuakana-teina relationships across the kura.



Our  leadership role of Kaitātaki means  student voice is heard and a tuākana role across our kura. Both J’adore and Carter were chosen by their peers and staff as having mana (charisma and a role model), a true sense of wairua (embrace the spirit of kapa haka) and manakitanga (integrity, sincerity and respect towards Māori beliefs, language and culture). As Kaitātaki they are also part of the school