Ashley Colour Fun Run 2022 is coming soon. Tickets available now on Eventbrite.

Stationery orders for the whole school are ordered online with Qizzle


Mānuka  Teina – Mrs Daly 

Mānuka Tuakana – Mrs Layton

Harakeke Pūkeko – Mrs O’Loughlin 

Harakeke Tūī- Mrs Standen

Kōwhai –  Ms Parker

Tī Kōuka – Mr Lynskey

 Tōtara – Mr Taylor

If you don’t have access to the internet you are most welcome to use a chromebook at school to order your children’s stationery.


At Ashley Rakahuri School we are passionate about future focussed learning and what this means for our learners. A key element of the 21st century learning which occurs at our school, is to ensure that digital tools are integrated through all curriculum areas for our students. To assist in implementing this, Ashley Rakahuri is a BYOD school. 


BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) is when students bring their own device to school to assist their learning. Since 2015 Ashley Rakahuri School has had a BYOD policy and the expectation is that students from Years 5-8, will have their own device to use each day.

  • Learners having access to their own device, optimises their learning means no waiting or timetable limitations. 
  • Learners can learn at their own pace, and take learning in further directions independently and collaboratively. 
  • Learners become digitally fluent; knowing when to use technology, how to use different tools, how to critique the wealth of information out there, and most importantly, how to use it responsibly. 
  • At any time, learners have access to a wealth of information, right at their fingertips, beyond the classroom walls, making learning not just between the hours of 9am and 3pm. 
  • Having their own chromebook allows students to make their computer personal to them, therefore allowing them to bookmark pages, save files onto their computer, and make accessing sites and work started at school easier.
  • Learners have the ability to access a world of knowledge, skills and experts. Making connections in authentic and meaningful ways, students learn how to become part of a global community. 



At Ashley Rakahuri School, we recommend Chromebooks as the most effective and efficient device for their use, in the knowledge that Rangiora High School recommends these as well for all of their students. 

Why have Chromebooks been chosen?

A Chromebook is a personal computer running Google Chrome OS as its operating system.

The device is designed to be used while connected to the Internet and support applications that reside on the Web, rather than traditional applications that reside on the machine itself. All the data is stored in the “cloud” and is accessed by an internet connection. The operating system updates automatically every six weeks, and a Chromebook can potentially last as long as 10 years.

Ashley Rakahuri School has some Chromebooks available, more for the younger students in Years 3 and 4, but availability cannot be guaranteed, therefore it is more beneficial for students in the senior school, to have their own device. 

Noel Leeming and Harvey Norman stores both work within the BYOD system and usually have good deals around this time of the year for Chromebooks. Here are links to each company.

Noel Leeming =      Noel Leeming BYOD information       Harvey Norman = BYOD information

                                =     Chromebooks information 


If you have any questions regarding our BYOD policy or Chromebooks, please do not hesitate to speak to your child’s classroom teacher.